Core Science

Core science job aids are intended to improve skills, methods, and procedures in clinical and public health laboratories.

Diagnostic Testing

Diagnostic testing job aids include fact sheets, checklists, and manuals that can be used to improve clinical and public health diagnostic testing.


Informatic job aids include resources that describe laboratory information management systems.

Packing & Shipping

Packing and shipping job aids can be used by laboratory professional who pack and ship Division 6.2 infectious substances and dry ice.


Preparedness job aids include worksheets, flowcharts, templates, and examples that can be used to enhance clinical and public health laboratories’ preparedness for, and response to, public health threats.


Quality job aids include worksheets, flowcharts, templates, checklists, and fact sheets designed to improve clinical and public health quality.


Safety job aids can be used to enhance safety in clinical and public health laboratories.

Video Library

Video job aids include links to high- and low-resolution videos and include pdf transcripts. The videos are intended to assist clinical and public health laboratory professionals with diagnostic testing, preparedness, core science, informatics, quality, safety, and packing and shipping.

Spanish Job Aids

Spanish Job Aids
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    COVID-19 Point-of-Care Batch Testing Tips

    This infographic includes general information to improve COVID-19 specimen handling and processing for more accurate results.

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    Diagnostic Sensitivity and Specificity for Clinical Laboratory Testing

    This job aid reviews basic information about diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for clinical laboratory testing.

Interactive Job Aids