Preparedness and Response

Laboratory Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP)
Develop a laboratory continuity of operations plan (COOP).
Something Is Strange - Let's Notify the LRN!
Clinical laboratories must be alert for unusual and potentially infectious agents and immediately
...People. Planning. Preparedness.
Welcome to the first day of the OneLab Summit 2024.
...Interconnecting People for Planning and Preparedness
This presentation highlights the importance and benefits of clinical and public health laboratori
...Is it Magic or Simply a Great Biosafety Plan?
A comprehensive biosafety plan serves as the backbone for developing a strong biosafety culture.
...How Laboratories Should Prepare for Future Responses
As the director of public health preparedness and response for the Association of Public Health L
...Keynote Speaker: Maximizing Lessons Learned from Past Outbreaks to Develop a Sustainable Laboratory Cross-training Program
Cross-training is a powerful training plan laboratory managers can use to build a reserve of staf
...Recognizing, Identifying, and Reporting the Identification of Select Agents and Toxins
This beginner-level webinar is for clinical and veterinary laboratory professionals to understand...
Biosafety Practices and Reporting Occupational Exposures for Select Agents and Toxins (Part 2)
This basic-level webinar is designed to help clinical and veterinary laboratory professionals und...
Life of a Test Method Part 2—Emergency Use Authorizations
Join us for our next OneLab Network meeting to learn more about Emergency Use A...
Supply Chain Lessons Learned and Q&A
Discuss supply chain concerns among clinical and public health laboratori...
Reducing the Risks of Clinical Laboratory Infectious Diseases
In this webinar, Dr....
When Receiving Samples from Patients Suspected to be Infected with Ebola: What’s the Plan?
Learn how clinical and public health laboratories collaborate with healthcare teams to provide th...
I’m a Frontline Facility – How Can I Safely Test Clinical Specimens From a Suspected Ebola Patient
Join us for our next OneLab Network Event in which will give an overview of the current Sudan Ebo...
The Survey Process: What You Need to Know for Your CLIA Survey
Preparing for laboratory survey?...