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REACH      TEST      Network

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OneLab kicked off the year with OneLab Network acting lead, Dr. Alicia Branch, who hosted Navigating Laboratory Education and Training Needs: An Open Forum. Participants joined the conversation to discuss their laboratory training and resource priorities for 2023. In February, Elizabeth A. LaDow from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) presented the roles and responsibilities for handling hazardous materials and essential considerations for laboratory testing sites. CDC's Dr. Marranda Scott presented processes and requirements for a CLIA laboratory review for our March event. And in April, we heard from CDC's Dr. Susanna Schmink and Dr. John McQuiston about recognizing, identifying, and reporting select agents or toxins


Quick links to Helpful OneLab Job Aids, Education & Training

Resources, and Webinars


Packing and Shipping Dangerous Goods: What the Laboratory Staff Must Know is one of OneLab REACH's most popular courses. Participants can join this course for training on packing and shipping Division 6.2 infectious substances and dry ice. Those who complete the course are eligible to receive 2.0 hours of P.A.C.E.ツョ credit. Learners can also download job aids, including a laboratory test request example, shipping papers, and specimen packing and shipping guidance.

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On May 1, CDC launched OneLab TEST, or Timely Education and Support of Testers. OneLab TEST is a new community of practice for personnel who perform or coordinate testing at non-laboratory sites. OneLab TEST aims to connect, train, and empower a community of practice among professionals and volunteers in this space.


Prospective members can now join OneLab TEST through OneLab REACH, OneLab's customized learning management system for laboratory professionals and the testing community.


Read Lab Latest for updates on OneLab's recent partnership

activity and attendance at noteworthy events.

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Member Spotlight is an opportunity to recognize the members of our OneLab community.


In this issue, we are thrilled to introduce Dr. Alicia Branch, acting lead of OneLab Network and a champion for laboratory education and safety.


Let's start at the beginning. What inspired you to become a laboratory professional? And specifically, to dedicate your work to laboratory safety?


My junior year of college, when I spent the summer at Oak Ridge National Laboratories, was the first experience different from my regular laboratory dissection classes. That opportunity permitted me to really see science and scientists at work! 





What work are you the proudest of having supported at CDC?


I'm so proud that I came to CDC, worked in a CDC laboratory, and constantly stayed mission-focused, even when some questioned our importance or purpose. My ultimate proudest moment was when I had the opportunity to be local field deployed, and I went to three assisted living facilities to perform antigen testing. These residents hadn't seen a loved one, a friend, in a year. So, to be an extension of a community-focused agency and see residents smile when we entered their rooms, not because we were there to perform duties but because they respected the agency and knew we cared about their health and safety.


How do you envision the future of clinical and public health laboratory education, and how can OneLab play a part in that vision?


Just like the world has changed, we're gone so digital, clinical labs have fundamentally changed. For example, most laboratories are equipped with automated machines and provide the advantage of running thousands of samples faster, but application knowledge may be lost. Nevertheless, [the need for] quality control remains. So, we must remain focused on providing relevant training and resources that exceed quality standards.


I'd like to see OneLab get involved in the pre-analytical testing stage and possibly partner with manufacturers to say - what does your training look like for this instrument? Safety guidance? OneLab can be an extension for clinical and public health laboratories providing not just lab education but outreach to other parties that affect lab safety.








Member Spotlight is our opportunity to celebrate a member of the expansive OneLab community. Interested in being featured in a future issue of We Are OneLab?


We'd love to hear from you! Please fill out this Expression of Interest form to be considered.



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